Character Template
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Character Template
Good/Bad or Neutral:
Power/weapons or abillities:(go to the creation areas after this)
How you became good/bad:
Work in a team or alone:
Loctation of where you are or your base:
(make your own topics)
Good/Bad or Neutral:
Power/weapons or abillities:(go to the creation areas after this)
How you became good/bad:
Work in a team or alone:
Loctation of where you are or your base:
(make your own topics)
Zeka/Shadow- Webmaster/Hero/Titans South Co-leader
- Posts : 597
Join date : 2009-07-31
Age : 30
Location : anywhere the wind takes me
good/bad or neutral : good
Dating : Starfire, My one Love
Character sheet
Allignment: Good
Re: Character Template
Name: Rorek
CodeName: N/A
Good/Bad or Neutral: Neutral
Bio: Rorek is a misunderstood sorcerer from the past that truly has no history. All that is know about him is he sealed away a dragon hundreds of years ago and sealed himself away as well. when the dragon was released so was he but unknown to the world until now.
Power/weapons or abilities: (Sorcery)
How you became good/bad: neutral
Work in a team or alone: alone
Location of where you are or your base: N/A
CodeName: N/A
Good/Bad or Neutral: Neutral
Bio: Rorek is a misunderstood sorcerer from the past that truly has no history. All that is know about him is he sealed away a dragon hundreds of years ago and sealed himself away as well. when the dragon was released so was he but unknown to the world until now.
Power/weapons or abilities: (Sorcery)
How you became good/bad: neutral
Work in a team or alone: alone
Location of where you are or your base: N/A
Rorek- Posts : 400
Join date : 2010-08-19
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